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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Strongest Man Upon the Earth Is He Who Stands Most Alone Critical Lens Essay
As indicated by Henrik Ibsen, â€Å"The most grounded man upon the earth is he who stands generally alone. †as such, what this statement implies is that the most grounded man is the most free; people who don't have to depend on others to endure. People who remain solitary are simply the ones who understand the quality inside themselves and become incredible characters. This statement is legitimate in light of the fact that people who like to take activities all alone and at their own pace become the most successful.Two works of writing that help the legitimacy of this announcement are The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger and The Color of Water, by James McBride. The Color of Water, is a diary, set in an assortment of settings; from Suffolk, Virginia, to Wilmington, Delaware. It relates the previous existences of heroes James and Ruth, and reviews the 1920s all through the 1990s. One of the heroes, Ruth McBride, is described as a commendable and remarkable lady and gives indications of autonomy all through her lifetime.She figured out how to conquer the excruciating recollections of her youthful years; running from her father’s disgusting conduct and abuse, to having a fetus removal at such a youthful age. She followed her heart and left behind her loved ones looking for another life; away from the existence that was so coldblooded to her. She gave indications of freedom even â€Å"when the going got extreme. †For instance, after her first spouse had died, she didn't disintegrate under the weight that she was facing.Instead, she wedded again and brought up her kids to be effective and taught, in any event, during such cruel conditions. Additionally, Ruth was not scared of general supposition when she had hitched an African-American man. This marriage made her family denounce her and shows that the individuals who don't depend on others become more grounded and all the more influential people. The Catcher in the Rye, is set in New York City during the 1940s. The hero, Holden Caulfield, is described as a person who has been autonomous for an incredible piece of his life.From an early age, his folks have been too â€Å"occupied†to invest energy with Holden and they didn't show a lot of enthusiasm for their kids. For instance, he was dispatched to class and when he would get removed; his folks paid no brain and sent him to another school. He lived away from his family for an incredible piece of his life and as a result of being free at such an early age; he later on charmed a psychological breakdown and wound up in an asylum.However, being autonomous made Holden understand that he has an issue and that on the off chance that he would not have gone to the refuge and seeked help from callings, at that point he would not have had the option to turn into a more grounded and increasingly fruitful person. At last, The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, and The Color of Water, by James McBride, both help the le gitimacy of the statement, â€Å"The most grounded man upon the earth is he who stands generally alone, said by creator Henrik Ibsen. As life goes on, people will learn and understand that detaching yourself won't go anyplace throughout everyday life; it will just damage you.You can be in charge of your own fate and you will increase point of view on your life. The two heroes, Holden Caulfield and Ruth McBride, instruct us that to guarantee a noticeable future, you have to conquer snags in all circumstances. This will better you as an individual and will offer you a feeling of what occurs in reality. Being autonomous permits you to understand the world from with an improved point of view and regardless of what life tosses at you; you can get up starting from the earliest stage, once more, and start driving your life to a fruitful future.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cognitive Appraisal and/or Personality Traits Free Essays
Recommended APA style reference: Li, M. (2009, March). Subjective evaluation as well as character characteristics: Enhancing dynamic adapting in two kinds of unpleasant circumstances. We will compose a custom article test on Intellectual Appraisal and additionally Personality Traits or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Paper dependent on a program introduced at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference and Exposition, Charlotte, NC. Psychological Appraisal or potentially Personality Traits: Enhancing Active Coping in Two Types of Stressful Situations Paper dependent on a program introduced at the 2009 American Counseling Association Annual Conference and Exposition, March 22, Charlotte, North Carolina Ming-hui Li Ming-hui Li, EdD, LPC, LMHC, is an associate educator in the Department of Human Services and Counseling at St. John’s University, Queens, NY. His regions of claim to fame incorporate pressure adapting and strength advancement. Understudies oftentimes experience unpleasant circumstances (Dungan, 2002; Li, 2006). Some undergrads effectively adapt to distressing circumstances while others become casualties of the circumstances. The analyst has been keen on investigating factors that lead undergrads to effectively adapt to distressing circumstances. Improving these variables may encourage understudies to utilize dynamic adapting. The term dynamic adapting in the investigation alludes to people’s adapting reactions that are described by taking care of issues, looking for social help, and non-evasion. The motivation behind this investigation was to investigate compelling indicators of dynamic adapting in two significant sorts of upsetting circumstances among undergrads: connection and work. Consequences of this investigation may give data to advocates to assist understudies with adjusting better to school life by upgrading explicit factors in various unpleasant circumstances. Hypothetical Framework Researchers have not agreed on the idea of adapting. For instance, process-situated analysts (e. g. , Albinson Petrie, 2003; Lazarus Folkman, 1984; Olff, Langeland Gersons, 2005) suggested that intellectual evaluation decides the reactions people receive to adapt to upsetting circumstances. Interestingly, diathesis-arranged scientists (e. g. , Abela Skitch, 2007; Li Yuan, 2003; Wagner, Chaney, Hommel, Andrews, Jarvis, 2007) proposed that a match between character qualities and stress types chooses adapting reactions. The current investigation investigated the degree to which a blend of these two hypothetical methodologies can decide school students’ work of dynamic adapting. Procedure arranged specialists (e. g. , Albinson Petrie, 2003; Lazarus Folkman, 1984; Olff, Langeland Gersons, 2005) suggested that adapting is a procedure (rather than a minor characteristic) wherein individual components, for example, convictions, and natural elements, for example, oddity, cooperate to influence adapting reactions through subjective examination. These analysts contended that character attributes and condition are inadequate to decide adapting reactions. Intellectual evaluation, they accept, is the thing that decides individuals’ adapting reactions. From their point of view, adapting reactions can be chosen simply after people have intellectually thought to be (a) how their lives are affected by the circumstance and (a) what they can do to manage the circumstance. Interestingly, diathesis-arranged scientists (e. g. , Abela Skitch, 2007; Li Yuan, 2003; Wagner, Chaney, Hommel, Andrews, Jarvis, 2007) advocate that individuals’ character qualities impact adapting reactions in explicit settings. They contended that character characteristics impact adapting reactions most in distressing circumstances that are firmly identified with those attributes. For instance, individuals’ self-adequacy (an undertaking related attribute) has incredible impact on their adapting reactions to task-related distressing circumstances, for example, searching for low maintenance work. Conversely, individuals’ secure connection (a connection related quality) is amazing in affecting adapting reactions to connection related upsetting circumstances, for example, coexisting with new flat mates. The two methodologies have been bolstered by past investigations. Be that as it may, little consideration has been attracted to the chance of consolidating the two methodologies. The current investigation tended to this chance. The investigation was expected to investigate the degree to which a blend of these two hypothetical methodologies impacts individuals to effectively adapt to upsetting circumstances. Intellectual examination and three characteristics (self-viability, secure connection, and versatility) were remembered for the joined model. As per the procedure arranged methodology, subjective evaluation was required to foresee dynamic adapting over the two unpleasant circumstances. In light of the diathesis-arranged methodology, self-adequacy was relied upon to foresee dynamic adapting in business related upsetting circumstances, for example, searching for low maintenance work; and secure connection was required to anticipate dynamic adapting in connection related circumstances, for example, coexisting with new flat mates. Furthermore, the specialist theorized that strength can anticipate dynamic adapting in both connection related and business related distressing circumstances since this attribute reflects individuals’ general capacity to direct the negative impacts of pressure (Benetti Kambouropoulos, 2006). Intellectual examination, self-adequacy, secure connection, and strength were applied to anticipate dynamic adapting in two sorts of upsetting circumstances (connection, work), so as to distinguish the viability of the consolidated model. The two speculations tried in the investigation were: Hypothesis 1: In connection related circumstances, secure connection, intellectual examination, and versatility can successfully anticipate dynamic adapting. Speculation 2: In business related circumstances, self-viability, psychological examination, and flexibility can adequately foresee dynamic adapting. Strategies Members were 126 understudies enlisted from a school in Taiwan. Their age went from 18 to 23 years of age. The mean age of this example was 19. 6. Members were sorted into two groupsâ€a connection gathering and a work gathering, in light of their self-detailed upsetting circumstances. The quantities of members in gatherings of connection and work were 76 and 50, separately. The analyst controlled a poll to members when they were sitting tight for a class. Members marked educated assent frames before they reacted to the survey. Information was gathered utilizing a survey containing the Resilience Scale (Wagnild Young, 1993), the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (Collins, 1996), the Coping Strategy Indicator (Amirkhan, 1990), the Chinese Adaptation of General Self-Efficacy Scale (Zhang Schwarzer, 1995), and classification I (subjective evaluation) of the Student-Life Stress Inventory (Gadzella, 1991). The entirety of the instruments have been utilized to contemplate understudies and have shown sufficient legitimacy (develop or simultaneous legitimacy) and unwavering quality (Cronbach’s coefficient alpha range from . 6 to . 93). The entirety of the instruments with the exception of the Chinese adjustment of General Self-Efficacy Scale were interpreted by the specialist from English into Chinese. Two bilingual Psychology teachers and four bilingual doctoral understudies analyzed the interpreted instruments. A bilingual undergrad understudy, who was ignorant concerning the first English instruments, back-m ade an interpretation of the Chinese renditions into English. The first instruments and the back-interpreted instruments were extremely close in significance, demonstrating right language transference. Inside consistency assessments of unwavering quality (Cronbach’s coefficient alpha) were figured for every one of the instruments utilized in this investigation. The qualities for coefficient alpha were . 89, . 90, . 75, . 87, and . 81 for the Student-Life Stress Inventory (SSI), the Resilience Scale (RS), the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (AAS-Revised), the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSS), and the Coping Strategy Indicator (CSI), separately. The alpha qualities for the three sub-sizes of the Coping Strategy Indicator (CSI) were . 86 (critical thinking), . 88 (looking for social-support), and . 68 (evasion). What's more, the alpha incentive for the class I (subjective examination) of the Student-Life Stress Inventory (Gadzella, 1991) was . 84. The examination structure of this investigation was a correlational plan with four free (indicator) factors and one ward variable. The four free factors were psychological evaluation, versatility, secure connection, and self-adequacy. The reliant variable was dynamic adapting. This exploration configuration comprised of two separate various relapse systems that were utilized to test the proposed model in two kinds of unpleasant circumstances. Information Analysis and Results The information were investigated by utilizing SPSS 14. 0. Two systems of numerous relapse were applied to test the two theories. The progression astute strategy was utilized in light of the fact that the accessible writing doesn't give guidance with regards to how the factors in this examination ought to be gone into a various relapse condition. By utilizing the progression shrewd strategy, the specialist permitted the PC to choose the model with the best measurable â€Å"fit. †Correlations among indicator factors and between indicator factors and the needy variable were inspected so as to meet the prerequisites of different relapse. The exception was evacuated so it didn't affect the precision of information examination. The model used to screen exceptions were (an) a Cook’s separation more prominent than 1, and (b) a normalized remaining more noteworthy than 3. Theory 1 was upheld while Hypothesis 2 was not bolstered. Results indicated that (a) subjective evaluation and strength can anticipate dynamic adapting in distressing circumstances related with connection, and (b) secure connection can foresee dynamic adapting in business related unpleasant circumstances. Tables I and II indicated the outcomes. Table I. Rundown of Regression Analyses of Resilience, Secure Attachment, and Self-Efficacy Predicting Active Coping in Relation-Related
Friday, August 21, 2020
Myths, Legends, and King Arthur Essay -- European Literature Essays Pa
Fantasies, Legends, and King Arthur All through the first lights of time, individuals have recorded lives and made accounts about the past, the individuals and the entirety of their shows. One such story is Le morte d'Arthur, or in English, the Death of Arthur. Notwithstanding its French title, the real content was written in English. It is a twenty-one book arrangement composed by Sir Thomas Malory in 1469-1470 depicting in detail the dangerous existences of the Arthurian legends. Sir Thomas Malory was accepted to be conceived in 1408, however nobody truly knows without a doubt. (New Standard M-86) He was an English creator, compiler, and interpreter who was generally known by his chips away at the Arthurian legends, and furthermore the primary extraordinary creator of the English writing and stories. (Encarta, Malory) He was additionally a knight from Warwickshire who wound up spending time in jail in the military on French soil under Richard Beauchamp, lord of Warwick. He was knighted for his endeavors at some point before 1442 and served in Parliament in 1445. After that he spent numerous years in detainment for political and civil charges. He burned through a large portion of his most recent twenty years in jail. (CRC) It was during this time he composed his adaptation of the Arthurian Legends, putting together a large portion of his work with respect to French and English firsts in exposition and refrain. His adaptation of the story was initially called The Book of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. It wasn't until after his passing, when a man named William Caxton distributed his book in 1485 did it become known as Le morte d'Arthur. (New Standard M-86 and L-277) So as to clarify the book, I should initially clarify the tale of King Arthur. I'll take you to the start of the story with Arthur's dad Uther Pendragon. The story in itself really starts with Merlin, whi... ...bury William Caxton masterminded Malory's work into a solitary account in 1485. (Encarta Arthurian Legends) I picked this story in truth since I was coming up short on thoughts, and occurred across it when I was looking into tourist spots in London in my Encyclopedia. I had discovered an area for English writing in transit and halted to investigate it. The creators of the volume were sufficiently pleasant to place instances of the tales in timeframes. I found the timespan I required and discovered Sir Thomas Malory's stories of incredible dramas. I additionally enjoyed the thought since it was one of my preferred stories when I was growing up. How it speaks to the general public that made this adaptation of hardships, satisfaction and Arthur, and our current society, is we as a whole have wrongs that we should battle with and regardless of what age you live in there is constantly a drama life sticking around the bend.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Management Information Technology Strategy Development - 1100 Words
Management Information Technology Strategy Development (Essay Sample) Content: Information Technology Strategy DevelopmentNameInstitutionInformation Technology Strategy DevelopmentTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc484456352 \h 1Marketing Analysis PAGEREF _Toc484456353 \h 2Target Market PAGEREF _Toc484456354 \h 4Strategy for Acquiring Customer Base PAGEREF _Toc484456355 \h 4Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT Analysis) PAGEREF _Toc484456356 \h 4Financial Statements PAGEREF _Toc484456357 \h 5Summary of the relevance of porters five factors PAGEREF _Toc484456358 \h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc484456359 \h 6References PAGEREF _Toc484456360 \h 6Executive SummaryThe business plan contains sections including; marketing analysis, which uses porters five factors/forces to dissect the market in which the streaming industry is placed, before it is acquired by Unilever. An overview of the five factors/forces includes; competition, the potential of new entrants, bargaining power of customers, bargaining pow er of supplier and substitutes of products/ services are also given (Roy, 2009). This plan also takes into account the target audience, strategies for customer base and financial statements that will be used to determine the direction of the organization. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the streaming industry that is yet to be acquired will also be looked into. This will help in knowing the position of the streaming industry regarding competition with other players in this field. Overall, the business plan seeks to provide guidance to Unilever management in acquiring a new business of live streaming.Marketing AnalysisIn this analysis of the streaming industry, the application of Porters five forces comes into play, as it is important in helping the business assess its strengths and weaknesses through the lens of competition. Porters five forces named after Michael porter strategically looks at the five forces that shape the industry by assessing its weakness es and strengths. These forces are both horizontal and vertical elements.Competition in the streaming industry is so huge that Unilever management will have to lay down a set of strategies to ensure uniqueness in the market full of industry players. Netflix for instance, maintains the service of streaming only and the room to purchase the content is not available. Other industry players like Hulu make their content so heavy such that a customer will only remain with the option to purchase and not streaming. Even with this competition from the industry players, customers will always get access to the media they require by developing their own niche as in the cases of TiVo and Plax (Walter, 2015).In the steaming industry, the customer will have the power to bargain and this is attributed to the number of streaming service providers who even provide the basis for competition. For example, the Netflix mailings offer the customer the power to bargain. Although purchasing CDs and DVDs is slowly fading away, the regional and kiosk rental sites remain available for the customer. Therefore, the market for streaming will most likely be driven by the consumer who has a particular interest when it comes to streaming (Fildes, 2017).The power of suppliers on the other hand may be complicated as opposed to how it is seen in simple terms. Streaming for the suppliers means that a huge bandwidth and several servers will have to be available. Reliability on the internet and technological devices such as DVD players and smart phones becomes a huge setback for the streaming suppliers. However, the strength of the supplier will lie in the fact that a customer will not just stream, watch, and forget about the media thereof. They will have to store this content, thus, the supplier shares the content with the customer and is therefore, factored in.The potential of new entrants in this particular field is very low because of the huge infrastructural requirements to start the industry. The number of the few industry players who include Netflix and amazon video/music among others sees this. However, the threat of substitute products and services on the other hand, is high when compared to the number of entrants. This is coupled by the fact that both video and audio may be streamed anywhere. Advancement in the technological sector makes this aspect of alternatives real following the step taken by broadband and mobile service providers to cut down the huge costs of data. Substitutes to steaming may include; smart phones, tablets, and laptops, which are more efficient and have moved on to replace landlines and desktop computers. However, as much as substitutes to streaming may be in existence as mentioned, other factors to using these alternatives may also come into influence. For example the needs and preferences of technology users vary from time to time. While some may even prefer using tablets to stream, others may choose not to stream for one reason or another ( Fildes, 2017).Target MarketThe industry should have a particular target market to maximize on its sales in such a way that it draws attention and hence fuel customer demands. Millennials are perceived to be techno savvy. Therefore, the company will focus on them as the target audience. This is because the Millennials are more likely to possess digital devices and even if they do not, they already know the usefulness of streaming so as access a particular product/service. Millennials are, therefore, in a good position when it comes to the use of technology, hence a preferred target market for the streaming industry.Strategy for Acquiring Customer BaseThe world is moving fast with the advent of technology, thus the need to put down strategies for acquiring a long-term customer base. Using live streaming technology, the industry can strategize with a specific focus on the millennial to view and buy its products. Digital campaigns should be authentic by ensuring viewer-company represent atives interactions in real time. Utilizing such digital platforms as twitter allows customers to replay the content and even share it. In strategic campaign, interactive elements such as redirecting a customer to the promotion page are used. Use of influences may be effectively incorporated into company campaigns as it encourages a huge following thus creating a good customer base. Lastly, the company can make use of discounts and special offers on some of its products streamed thus reaping from the publicity and increasing customer base.Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT Analysis)To understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the industry, SWOT Analysis will be conducted. The strength of the industry of streaming is in its popularity and convenience. Streaming is becoming more popular, especially among the youth and this will allow the company to improve user experience by increasing content. It is also convenient when used to access inf ormationHowever, with this strength it is also faced by such weaknesses as changing tec...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Data Cleaning Case Study - 1152 Words
In business, data warehouse plays an important role that combine business activities and it consider the basement that support in taking the decision. Any kind of error in data can cause drawbacks and difficulties for business and that leads to getting negative results. Errors usually have reason stands behind, some errors occur during data collecting from different sources while others occur during transferring. So, one of the big challenges that face data warehouse is to ensure that data quality remains high. The process which use to introduce or process data with high quality called data cleaning. Data cleaning consider new in research area, and it highly coast specially for massive data, modern computers allowing us to perform data†¦show more content†¦For example, Wang have modern tool it can support data integrity analysis within the frame work TDQM. A large variety of tools is available on the market to support data transformation and data cleaning tasks, for data war ehousing Some tools concentrate on a specific domain, such as cleaning name and address data, or a specific cleaning phase, such as data analysis or duplicate elimination. Due to their restricted domain, specialized tools typically perform very well but must be complemented by other tools to address the broad spectrum of transformation and cleaning problems. Other tools like ETL tools, provide a comprehensive transformation and workflow capabilities to cover large part of the data transformation and cleaning process. A general problem of ETL tools is their limited interoperability due to proprietary application programming interfaces (API) and proprietary metadata formats making it difficult to combine the functionality of several tools. Tools for data analysis and data reengineering which process instance data to identify data errors and inconsistencies, and to derive corresponding cleaning transformations. Data cleaning approaches: Data cleaning usually have several stages Data analysis: in this phase, the type of error determined and the data inspected manually or data samples should use to gain metadata that relate to data properties and find data quality problems Definition of transformation work flow and mapping roles: based on theShow MoreRelatedThe Problems Encountered By Web Mining Essay1304 Words  | 6 Pagesnumber of problems or issues. Normally, web data is highly dimensional, limited query interfaces, keyword oriented search and limited customization to individual user. Due to this, it is very difficult to find the relevant information from the web which may create new issues. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role of Employees in the Success of Ozzie Construction Company Case Study
Essays on The Role of Employees in the Success of Ozzie Construction Company Case Study The paper â€Å"The Role of Employees in the Success of Ozzie Construction Company†is a fascinating variant of case study on human resources. This report explores the solutions to challenges facing the employees in their workplaces. It also summarizes the fact that employees are the main pillars in the company because they are one interacting with customers on a daily basis. It is vital to train employees on various issues such as customer care ethics and personal development. Such skills will benefit the company indirectly because it will discourage bullying and sexual harassment and promote the well-being of the employees.Companies are exposed to various potential risks when it comes to health and safety. It is the duty of the top management of every company to ensure that they protect their employees and the general public from the dangers of health and safety risks. Some of the risks that are exposed to the companies are as follows:InjuriesAccident riskStress andFire r isksLocke (2012) argues that safety is an essential investment that we can make. Managers should ask themselves what it saves and not what it costs. The law governing the business and companies requires employers to ensure the safety of the employees and the general public. This report will analyze various solutions that are designed by the human resource department for the well-being of the employees.Employee health and safetyTo ensure smooth functioning in an Ozzie Construction Company, it is essential for the managers to ensure safety for the employees. Top management of any organization should know that employees are the principal factors that determine the success of achieving goals and objectives. Health is a broad subject that can affect employees in different dimensions. Employers need to ensure that employees are protected from physical, emotional and mental well-being.Safety is an act of ensuring that employees are physically safe in the workplace. As a human resource mana ger of Ozzie Construction Company, I proposed that the safety of the employees and the entire company can be achieved by installing healthy and safety programs. This will ensure that all forms of illness and injuries are minimized. In addition, these health programs can help employers and workers to know the dangers that are exposed to in the workplace on a daily basis (Einarsen et al, 2010)The effective way of protecting the employees and the entire parties who are transacting different businesses in the company is through the assessment of risk that is exposed to the company. I can, therefore, propose to the CEO of the company to arrange for the team who are going to assess systematically any hazards to the employees and the general public. The assessment will help to identify the possible factors that are likely to affect the staff and other members visiting the company. The effecting risk assessment process comprises of the following issues;Identification of the possible hazards in the companyIdentifying individuals who are exposed to riskAssessing the risk and deciding whether the install precaution is adequateAnalyzing the findingsImplementing the necessary action if the precaution is inadequateIt is also essential to ensure that safety equipment is made available in the company. The company needs to have first aid kits that will be used in case of small accidents. There should be firefighting equipment to be used in case of fire break out. These are basic equipment that needs to be installed in strategic corners; in the company. The CEO can also consider establishing emergency doors to be used in case of an appropriate emergency. Finally, the employers need to ensure the company and the possible risk so that in case of an accident the victims can be compensated.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Immigration Law Facto Relationship
Question: Describe about the Immigration Law for Facto Relationship. Answer: 1. The Family Law Act 1975[1] defines a de facto relationship. It is required under law that there needs to be a relationship as a couple that exists between the two people of the opposite or same sex on a basis that is genuinely domestic.[2] It is necessary to meet the requirement of a one year de facto relationship for the applicants who are applying for a partnership visa.[3] These criteria would be satisfied if it is demonstrated by the couple that they have for the past twelve months been in a de facto relationship prior to the application for the visa.[4] A person is in a de facto relationship if they are not married, have a commitment that is mutual of sharing a life which excludes other, are in a continuing and genuine relationship and are living together and do not live apart or separately on a basis that is permanent.[5] A common element of a relationship that is on-going is living together, couples sometimes may be required to live apart for many reasons. Provided there is temporary separation and the couple since the relationship had commenced had at some point lived together.[6] There can however be a waiver of this one year requirement if it can be proved that there was a compelling and compassionate reason that existed as to why the requirement is no longer necessary.[7] Therefore, an application can be made by Jason that he was living with Emma for six months and due to the death of his mother had to come back to Australia and now after her death was unable to leave Australia since he was the sole executor of the will and hence could not live with Emma. This could be considered as a compelling reason.[8] 2. The various type of visa options that are available with Emma by which she can sponsor for her parents to come live in Australia. There are:[9] Parent visa (subclass 103), Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 173), Contributory Parent Visa (subclass 143), Aged Parent Visa (subclass 804), and Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 884) and Contributory Aged Parent Visa (subclass 864). The best option which is available with Emma from the various of options of visa sponsoring for her parents is the Aged Parent visa (subclass 804).[10] This visa allows the parents who are older to live in Australia with their child if such a child is a permanent resident, Australian citizen or a citizen eligible for New Zealand who is now settled in Australia.[11] However, it must be note that this visa requires a long waiting time which could extend to a period of up to 30 years before there is an approval of this visa. Since the demand for this visa is significant the place is quite limited.[12] The wait could be, as mentioned above, up to 30 years before there is a grant of such a visa. Emma could however, consider a Contributory Aged Parent Visa which takes less than two years time to be finalized.[13] The Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884) provides for a visa pathway that is two-stage in which first an application is made for a temporary visa and then late r for visa that is permanent. The Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864) is a visa that is permanent and lets the payment of the full cost with respect to the migration of Contributory Parent through only one visa application.[14] Though, there is a higher application charge which is applicable for the Contributory Parent Visa however, Emma would have a longer support assurance with a bond that is larger that would be required before the Contributory Aged Parent Visa (subclass 864) could be granted. There are also some community costs that are offset by these higher charges such as services for health and welfare.[15] These are the options of visa that would be most suited for Emma in the given situation, ideally Emma should opt for a Contributory Aged Parent Visa since the same would take much less time and she would be able to get her parents to shift to Australia sooner permanently.[16] 3. In case of Michelle who has been the only one who is left behind with her five year old son. The Remaining relatives visa (subclass 115) could be sponsored for her so that she could move to Australia with the rest of her family.[17] This visa is applicable to those people who do not have any close family tie anywhere outside Australia and who has a child, sister, brother or an equivalent step who is either a permanent resident of Australia, citizen of Australia or a New Zealand citizen eligible. It can however be complex to prove where the relative live or what contact is there with the other relatives that are there.[18] Thus, Michelle would be eligible for the visa if the application of the visa is outside Australia. Since the only near relative that she and her son have are settle already in Australia and since Emma is a Permanent Australian Resident and so are her and Michelles parents now, the criteria of having near relative who are in Australia and who are citizens of Australia permanent resident of Australia, citizen of Australia or a New Zealand citizen eligible is already satisfied.[19] Further, it would be required that either Jason, Emma, or her parents should sponsor her as it is required under this class of visa that one of the near relatives or the partner of such near relative should be sponsoring the visa.[20] Therefore conclusively it can be stated that this visa is the option by which Michelle and her son can come and start living in Australia. [21] References FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 (2016) Australia, Family,De Facto Relationships - Family Court Of Australia(2016) Fact Sheet - One-Year Relationship Requirement For De Facto Partners(2016) Immigration, A Commitment To Australia (1988), Australian Govt. Pub. Service. Mansouri, Fethi and Michael Leach, "The Evolution Of The Temporary Protection Visa Regime In Australia" (2009) 47International Migration MIGRATION ACT 1958 (2016) Parent Category Visas(2016) MIGRATION REGULATIONS 1994 - SCHEDULE 1Classes Of Visa (2016) MIGRATION REGULATIONS 1994 - REG 2.21Agrant Of Bridging A (Class WA) Visas Without Application (2016) Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 804)(2016) COBB-CLARK, DEBORAH A., "Do Selection Criteria Make A Difference?: Visa Category And The Labour Market Status Of Immigrants To Australia" (2000) 76Economic Record Remaining Relative Visa (Subclass 115)(2016) Wright, Chris F., "Why Do States Adopt Liberal Immigration Policies? The Policymaking Dynamics Of Skilled Visa Reform In Australia" (2014) 41Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies MIGRATION REGULATIONS 1994 - REG 1.15Remaining Relative (2016) MIGRATION REGULATIONS 1994 - REG 1.20Klimitation On Sponsorships--Remaining Relative Visas (2016) Smith, Dominic, Entrybymigrants (2016) AustLII Communities
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